Food Fotograffee Fun: Everything else

Mac n’ Cheetos and My Mom Plus all the in Between

Mac n’ Cheetos?? Do tell….

I saw a video about Mac n’ Cheetos from Burger King by Reportoftheweek on YouTube and obviously it would make me need to try them out. I mean, Cheetos and mac n’ cheese. What is there not to like? I love cheese and almost anything that has cheese on it or in it. So of course I was excited to try it but this time I didn’t know when I would be getting a chance to try them because the closest Burger King locations were not very sanitary. It had to be put on the back burner until I could find a decent Burger King. Mac n’ Cheetos, Mac n’ Cheetos, all I want is Mac n’ Cheetos… Mac n’ Cheetos please!!!!!!


Arby’s Smokehouse Pork Belly Sandwich: We Ate


So The Kid and I watch a YouTube channel called ReportoftheWeek and he reviews fast food restaurants. He is pretty funny and we like the reviews he gives. Well, one of the more recent videos was for Arby’s Pork Belly sandwich. Though he said it was greasy, he also said it tasted good.It looked good so I decided I needed to try it and review it myself. So we did.