Food Fotograffee Fun: Everything else

Mac n’ Cheetos and My Mom Plus all the in Between

Mac n’ Cheetos?? Do tell….

I saw a video about Mac n’ Cheetos from Burger King by Reportoftheweek on YouTube and obviously it would make me need to try them out. I mean, Cheetos and mac n’ cheese. What is there not to like? I love cheese and almost anything that has cheese on it or in it. So of course I was excited to try it but this time I didn’t know when I would be getting a chance to try them because the closest Burger King locations were not very sanitary. It had to be put on the back burner until I could find a decent Burger King. Mac n’ Cheetos, Mac n’ Cheetos, all I want is Mac n’ Cheetos… Mac n’ Cheetos please!!!!!!