Why is Writer’s Block a Real Thing????
No….really, why is writer’s block a thing? It gives me (….and so many other people) anxiety, this writer’s block. Why can’t the words pour out like as if being poured out of an everlasting pitcher of awesome. An endless supply of writing material at my finger tips would be the answer to some of my prayers. The funny thing is that my writer’s block affects nobody but myself because no one really reads my work. HA!! Of course people don’t, I am not consistent anymore nor am I well known. For everyone else that gets paid for their work, it matters and can be draining to get past it. For those that don’t write as a passion or job, then it doesn’t seem like a real thing or an issue to contend with but I assure you it is.
Writing before I even knew how to actually write…
I remember creating stories even before I could write them out. I used to look at pictures when I was around four years old and I would give those pictures elaborate background stories. I’d look at any picture and make up a story very easily whilst now, it takes me a while and even then most of the time I end up not liking it. Should I be happy when something comes to mind in the this writer’s drought? YES but NOOOOO, I hold out for rain instead of a sprinkle.
Times were definitely simpler when I was four. That is why I think I have always wanted to keep my child-self alive. The imagination of a child is without limits and that is what I strive for. I keep my imagination as open as possible. Even when I was child, my mind worked faster than my fingers. I could come up with so much but the idea of actually writing it out tired me. This makes me laugh out loud as I type this out because same thing happens even to this day. I am exhausted because I have to type this out and also I am straining to get through this block.
I have tried many things to get out of this funk. I have listened to music, new music and old favorites but to no avail. Reading books, watching youtube videos and binging on shows has not given me any inspiration or motivation to write. People have said that one of the best inspirations for writing is pain and/or suffering. It is true and while I am not low on pain, stress, issues and suffering however all of that has seemed to dry up my writing as well. Even eating my favorite things has not prompted me to write anything and I went to Red Robin FINALLY but still I have not written my review for it even though I should. The drought is not just limited to my writing. The inspiration to cook, bake, photograph, makeup looks and painting have also dried up. This is the pits. Maybe a change is in order to remedy this situation.
I do have some ideas….
Though the ideas that I have are not for writing. I have been getting some inspiration for party planning, home decor, design and ideas for some businesses I wish to have in the future…also some ideas for businesses already established that can help them expand. I have been having all of these ideas but no where to release them so in my head they will stay. AAAAGGGHHHH Why can’t it be this easy when it comes to writing for me right now?
I have a few writing projects in my head, some written out, that I am working on. Two for sure that if I actually finish would be awesome for the current climate. They have been in the works for a while, one of which has been in the works for about ten years. TEN YEARS!! I am just picturing Charlotte from the Sex in the City movie, holding up her all her ten fingers shouting that out. I actually giggled at that because I would have done that if I were speaking to someone. It does lose its charm when written out. I throw out a lot of references but my audience, sometimes, is not too receptive to the references. Booo!!!!!
Writer’s block go away
Hopefully I can get out of this depressing funk that has most of my creative juices dried out. It has been for a couple of years. Maybe it means that I should let the dream die of writing but I can not for the life of me think that it is over. I want to get my work published and read. I want people to see my vision and be entertained by them. A goal of mine is to help make people feel good and even change their life or at least their imaginations a bit. Hopefully my creative block goes away sooner than later. I know that there is something there. Just have to be patient and when the time comes, reach deep down inside to pull out the best of me. Thanks for reading and if you have any similar issues yourselves, you can drop a comment below.