Fashion and Beauty Film & TV Food Free Verse Fun: Everything else

My Favorite YouTubers

In the beginning….

So I have not always been so into YouTube like I am now. That may have something to do with having had cable before and since moving in with my husband I have not had cable UGHHHHHH. Well since that is not really as tragic as I thought it was when the transition occurred, I had to learn how to get used to not watching shows as soon as they air. That might not be a real problem to many (it is not) but it was to me, OKAY!! I had/have favorite tv shows and I need to be up to date with them or life is not in order and if you don’t understand that well…..WELL….WELL then I guess I have no choice but to be okay with that and I am okay with that.

Fashion and Beauty Fotograffee

First Time at Beautycon and Makeup, Yes Please!!

Makeup Lover Over Here

I absolutely LLLLOOVVVEEEE makeup. I love looking at makeup looks in magazines and online and  also love to window shop for makeup. I especially love when I get to actually buy makeup.

Fashion and Beauty Fotograffee

Ulta Grand Opening in the UES and What it Means

Ulta in the Upper East Side Finally

I saw an event on Facebook for an Ulta Grand Opening in the Upper East Side and I was so happy. I have personally been to two Ulta locations and they were not in NYC. This was to be the first one in Manhattan so I decided to go because that seemed like a big deal to make up lovers in NYC. Seemed like it would be a thing to be a part of, as well.

Fashion and Beauty Food Fotograffee Fun: Everything else

#Techmunch Volunteer for a Day

Got to Get in There

So I have been trying to get to live my life in a way that I will be happy with what I do. One way I am doing that is trying to do what I love for a living. I love writing, reading, cooking, baking, photography, painting, makeup, fashion, party planning and a few other creative things; I have been trying to incorporate all of these things together. The heart of it all is creative creations and ways to help others. This is why I have this blog. So when I found out about this Techmunch event, I decided I needed to get in there somehow to get to be able to achieve my goals in life. So I volunteered at Techmunch.

Fashion and Beauty

Trip to the Nail Salon: Purple Manicure

Today I went to get my nails done thanks to my mom

So today my mom asked if I wanted to get my nails manicured with her, she was going to treat me. Obviously, I said yes because why not? It is free, you get a hand massage and someone other than me would paint my nails and get it done better than I ever could. I rarely paint my nails let alone go to the nail salon to get it done. I am by no means a girly girl but it does feel nice to have things done like manicures, pedicures and getting your hair done. So when I can treat myself or someone treats me to it, every so often, I take the chance. It is good to let yourself get pampered. Sometimes, especially after a long week…..month…year, it feels so good to have a little relaxation.
