Fashion and Beauty Film & TV Food Free Verse Fun: Everything else

My Favorite YouTubers

In the beginning….

So I have not always been so into YouTube like I am now. That may have something to do with having had cable before and since moving in with my husband I have not had cable UGHHHHHH. Well since that is not really as tragic as I thought it was when the transition occurred, I had to learn how to get used to not watching shows as soon as they air. That might not be a real problem to many (it is not) but it was to me, OKAY!! I had/have favorite tv shows and I need to be up to date with them or life is not in order and if you don’t understand that well…..WELL….WELL then I guess I have no choice but to be okay with that and I am okay with that.

Film & TV Food

Time for a Taco Bell Fresh Start

Taco Bell and I Have Never Been Friends

I was never a fan of Taco Bell. I have never thought that they had quality food. All of their items tasted the same to me. I used to go to Taco Bell for lunch when I was in high school but only because it was in close proximity to my school. Also, because I also had to work with an allowance so that meant the cheaper the food the better. Sometimes that meant that taste would not be a deciding factor. As I got older, my taste in food changed and grew with me. I fell in love with the different flavors and different ingredient combinations that can be done. Quality matters in food. It matters to me.