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#Techmunch Volunteer for a Day

Got to Get in There

So I have been trying to get to live my life in a way that I will be happy with what I do. One way I am doing that is trying to do what I love for a living. I love writing, reading, cooking, baking, photography, painting, makeup, fashion, party planning and a few other creative things; I have been trying to incorporate all of these things together. The heart of it all is creative creations and ways to help others. This is why I have this blog. So when I found out about this Techmunch event, I decided I needed to get in there somehow to get to be able to achieve my goals in life. So I volunteered at Techmunch.


Black Ice Cream: Morgenstern’s Finest Ice Cream

I Scream, You Scream, We All Scream for Ice Cream

What is something that takes you back to your childhood? Something that, ironically, brings warm feelings? That something is ice cream. Unless you have a severe lactose intolerance and if so, sucks for you!! Just kidding. Really, though, as a kid you were treated to ice cream as a weekly tradition or celebrate at a birthday party or as a reward for acing a test. It was exciting choosing your flavor and telling the person at the counter your choice, if you went to an ice cream shop. Maybe you went to Carvel for scoops of mint, chocolate, or strawberry ice cream. Your parents might have taken you to a mom and pop shop for some soft serve ice cream cone. Maybe they had a seesaw outside where you where you and a sibling have a contest to see who can go higher. Or even having a tub of Breyer’s rocky road for after your dinner of fried chicken, mashed potato a side of vegetables. When you finished your veggies you were allowed a scoop of it.