Fashion and Beauty

Trip to the Nail Salon: Purple Manicure

Today I went to get my nails done thanks to my mom

So today my mom asked if I wanted to get my nails manicured with her, she was going to treat me. Obviously, I said yes because why not? It is free, you get a hand massage and someone other than me would paint my nails and get it done better than I ever could. I rarely paint my nails let alone go to the nail salon to get it done. I am by no means a girly girl but it does feel nice to have things done like manicures, pedicures and getting your hair done. So when I can treat myself or someone treats me to it, every so often, I take the chance. It is good to let yourself get pampered. Sometimes, especially after a long week…..month…year, it feels so good to have a little relaxation.
